Sunday, 4 November 2012

Bangers for Bonfire Night

Yes, it really has been more than a whole month since I last popped up on your blogroll. I'm a little ashamed at the neglect of this blog and of you, my wonderful readers, I'm sorry. Hopefully you have been following my antics over at Domestic Sluttery and you know that I'm still here! When I went back to work, six months ago, after my colectomy operation I was put into a new department - pharmacy - and as a result I've spent the time since working on a qualification that is a legal requirement for a job I didn't really want to do. Don't get me wrong, I've learned a lot, which I love, and my colleagues are brilliant company, but I'm just not that passionate about what I do. Add that that to the fact the this qualiciation has been so time-consuming that it has kept me from doing more of what I truly love, writing. I have managed to write an article, featured in November's Your Wellness Magazine (keep reading, there are five recipes that follow the piece) about eating well with Crohn's Disease, but I haven't done half of what I planned to do.

I sat the final test for my pharmacy course last week and to celebrate, I have a recipe for you! Since tomorrow is Guy Fawkes' Night and there are fireworks displays happening all over the country for the next few days, I thought I'd share my favourite way to eat sausages on a breezy and cold night outside. I use the Black Farmer's Daughter's chipolata sausages in most of my sausagey cooking these days, they are so juicy and tasty, a far cry from those oddly sponge-like gluten free sausages from days of old. Of course, good old M&S are an excellent place to buy GF bangers, too. 

Honey Mustard Bangers
This is super easy and pretty quick to make, ideal for whipping up before dashing out to your local bonfire night celebrations. Pop the bread in the oven for the last 5 minutes of cooking and you'll have deliciously soft rolls that keep your sausages warm for longer.

2 tbsp runny honey
1 tbsp grain mustard (most are gluten free, but always check the label)
1 pack of gluten free sausages
  • In a roasting tin, mix the honey and mustard together. Add a drop of water to loosen the mixture if needed.
  • Toss the sausages in the honey mustard mix and cook for 25-30 minutes at 180°C, turning a couple of times.

I like to serve these in a roll, either Fria's Korvbrod rolls or Sainsbury's Freefrom part baked baguettes are good choices.

If you have a flask and some paper cups, I would highly recommend making a pot of sweet potato and sweetcorn soup to take with you, or if you don't like the sound of that, try some pumpkin soup instead!

1 comment:

  1. Slight tangent to the post, but you've invoked memories as my Mother used to always serve hotdogs after we go back from bonfire celebrations.

