Monday 4 June 2007

Bring on the BBQ season!

I was a bit nervous about the amount of barbeques I had been invited to lately (two last weekend and one the weekend before). What will I eat? I wondered. Well, I went prepared with gluten-free sausages, a couple of slices of gluten-free bread and chicken with exciting seasoning all individually wrapped in foil, not only did it guarantee that what I was eating was definitely gluten free and avoided any cross contamination, but it also meant that I definitely got something I liked! It also proved to be quite a conversation starter! It's amazing how many people have some kind of food intolerance - wheat, eggs, strawberries, the list is endless.

Over the bank holiday weekend, The Musician had a birthday barbeque. I chopped up some new potatoes, tossed them with a teaspoon each of ground cumin, coriander and garam masala and a sprinkling of ground cinnamon. Chucked in half an onion, finely chopped and enough olive oil to coat everything. I wrapped it all in foil and we put in on the barbeque for about an hour. When it was cooked, the potatoes had a lovely crisp, fragrant coating and even tasted good cold. Quite a success.

I think I'm going to survive the barbeque seaon after all...

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