Friday 27 January 2012

Blueberry Pie

I had my pre-op assessment today.  After checking my heart and blood pressure, taking blood samples and swabs of my nose (I'm very ticklish), and asking me questions about every single aspect of my health, I am ready for surgery!  I will be admitted to the ward on Sunday 5th February for ilestomy surgery on the 6th.  


In no time at all, I will be free from the damaged colon that has caused me so much pain and discomfort over the years.  I'm not particularly looking forward to the pain of recovery (who would?) but, I know that when the healing process is complete I will have a brand new lease of life.  

With that in mind, I thought I deserved a wee celebration!  I can't eat massive amounts at the moment so a mini pie seemed perfect.

Mini Blueberry Pies

400g gluten free shortcrust pastry (Dietary Specials shortcrust pastry would be ideal, or use homemade)
225g blueberries
2 tbsps caster sugar
1 tsp arrowroot powder
1 tsp lemon juice
1 egg

  • Combine blueberries, sugar and lemon juice in a bowl.  Lightly press the berries to release a little juice. Leave the berry/sugar mixture to stand for about 30 minutes for the juices and sugar to combine.
  • Roll out 2/3 of the pastry to 2-3mm thickness and cut out 12, 3-4 inch rounds, gently press them into a greased shallow bun tray.  
  • Sprinkle the arrowroot powder over the berry mix (sieve if lumpy) and mix well.  Place tablespoon sized portions of berries into each pastry case.
  • Roll out the remaining pastry and cut out rounds, just large enough to cover each pie.  Place pastry top over each filled pie, pressing the edges to seal.
  • Brush the tops with a beaten egg and pierce a hole in the top of each pie to let steam out.  If you do this the other way around you'll seal the hole and the steam will burst the pies!
  • Bake at 180 degree for about 15-20 minutes, until tops are golden brown.
  • Once baked, remove from the bun tray and allow to cool on a cake rack. (Or, eat whilst still hot!) 

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